"I think earth, if chosen instead of Heaven, will turn out to have been, all along, only a region in Hell: and earth, if put second to Heaven, to have been from the beginning a part of Heaven itself." -CS Lewis, The Great Divorce


Thing #54: Faithful Study

I am the queen of knowing what is good for me and not doing it. This goes for eating well, running, and working hard for all of my contract hours so I don't have to bring work home. Unfortunately, it also applies to my pursuits of knowledge of God and my faith. In college, I was surrounded by people who were far more diligent in their Christian studies than I ever dreamed of being; their presence led me to try harder to be faithful. Out in the "real" world, my attempted diligence amounted to nothing. I went to church, and when I moved back to VB, I found that the church young adult group was a delightful place to talk about God. I felt content.

But a lot of talk isn't always much action. I know I need more. I need to read, to study, to examine, to learn about God's message and will for my life. It needs to be intentional and deliberate and regularly done.

I have recently signed up for a class devoted to the study of Biblical principles for handling money. It's exciting to be reading, questioning, and examining God's will for our lives. It's also practical; I can take this study into my daily life to become a more faithful disciple. And my brain feels like it's moving again. Learning is contagious; it spreads from thought to action to speech to belief.

I started this Sunday with a little faithful reading, and I think my day is off to a good start. I feel awake and ready to learn. Lovely!

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