"I think earth, if chosen instead of Heaven, will turn out to have been, all along, only a region in Hell: and earth, if put second to Heaven, to have been from the beginning a part of Heaven itself." -CS Lewis, The Great Divorce


Thing #52: A deep breath

I get worked up easily. Actually, that's probably an understatement, but I don't know how to adequately word my propensity for quick flare-ups of extreme stress. Regardless of how I describe it, it occurs. I have learned many lessons throughout the years about this stress. One lesson: if you're going to stress about it, DO something about it. Otherwise, lay off the stress. This lesson was brought to you by Multivariable Calculus and a big fat D+ on my record. Another lesson: it's not that bad. This lesson was brought to you by...well, every daggone "I told you it wasn't that bad" moment of my life.

Today's re-learned lesson: Take a deep breath; it's not impossible. And it's not. I have a pretty blessed, obstacle-free life, but I work hard at it. I'm also my harshest critic, which makes success nearly impossible some days. (The "I finished 10 things on my to-do list, but there are still 15 things to do - I fail" days - really? That should be enough for a sane person.) So, today, I took a big ole deep breath and dove in to the stuff that was stressing me out (and called mom for a dose of "it'll be ok" reassurance). I (mostly) worked out a lesson for tomorrow, graded some essays, read up on potential new studies for small group, and created a few charts to round it out. You know what? I feel fine, and I didn't lose my cool. That deep breath kept me from teetering off the edge of productivity into pity-party paradise. Success!

This is probably proof that I am actually growing up. Finally. Now, if I remember to breathe deeply tomorrow rather than flip out, it will be proof that I am maturing. Scary. Very scary.

(and side note: I wish blogs had footnotes. I think that would cure my insatiable appetite for parenthetical comments or at least leave them for the end when you don't have to put up with my inner monologue.)

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