"I think earth, if chosen instead of Heaven, will turn out to have been, all along, only a region in Hell: and earth, if put second to Heaven, to have been from the beginning a part of Heaven itself." -CS Lewis, The Great Divorce


Thing #63: Trader's Joe's Christmas Blend Coffee

I'll be honest. Trader Joe's could probably populate an entire year's worth of "things to be happy about" posts. However, I will not sit down to provide such unsolicited positive publicity (to my four blog readers). Now, if it were solicited and paid for, I may consider blogging about a Trader Joe's item every day for a year.

But, alas, finding an alternative income is NOT the purpose of this post. Instead, I would like to mention on specific incredible product available during this holiday season. On Monday, I was in desperate need of a new container of coffee. My wanderings brought me to Trader Joe's (the aforementioned home of all things amazing). I spent a quick 3 minutes scoping out the coffee selection. I thought of going with the super affordable Trader Joe's blend, but then the holiday blend caught my eye. I am a lover of all things Christmas themed, and the flavors of holiday spices are no exception. It said that blended with the coffee were several seasonal spices. I didn't even care to read (though I did attempt to smell through the vacuum seal) what these spices were. I was hooked. I purchased my $6.50 goodie (along with many, many others) and headed home without further thought of my coffee. Until the next morning. From my kitchen wafted delightful holiday smells along with delicious smell of percolating coffee. Could it be? Could this smell belong to something that tasted as wonderful? Yes! It could be!

Needless to say, I have sucked down three cups of this delightfulness in the past three days. Each cup leaves me yearning for more. It's the perfect combination of holiday treat and morning caffeination. It surely makes 7:25 with students infinitely more barable.

There you have it, Trader Joe's. Testimonial #1. I have more where that came from, but I'm awaiting compensation. Sincerely, Katie.

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