"I think earth, if chosen instead of Heaven, will turn out to have been, all along, only a region in Hell: and earth, if put second to Heaven, to have been from the beginning a part of Heaven itself." -CS Lewis, The Great Divorce


Thing #62: Wedding Pictures

I remember a few beautiful spring and fall days at William and Mary when I happened upon a bride and groom having their pictures taken after their ceremony at the Wren building. It always seemed like I was catching a glimpse of something special and momentous. I couldn't help but smile. I feel like that often when I see the tell-tale white dress. It's as if I'm lucky enough to be a spectator in a big moment in those peoples' lives.

I say all of this because today on my run, I saw two wedding photo sessions on the boardwalk. The brides I saw today looked REALLY young, but REALLY happy. It was a little chilly, so they also looked a little bit cold and ready to go inside. Still, it was kind of happy thing for me, as I begin to think more and more about this big day in my life.

There's just something magical about it all - kind of like seeing the castle at Magic Kingdom for the first time - it's a little bit fairy tale and a little bit real. Plus, it's all kinds of special.

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