"I think earth, if chosen instead of Heaven, will turn out to have been, all along, only a region in Hell: and earth, if put second to Heaven, to have been from the beginning a part of Heaven itself." -CS Lewis, The Great Divorce


Thing #88: I AM

Yesterday, I came home from the youth fall festival and turned on OWN.  I am rather shamelessly in love with the programming (and I may be one of only a few).  Oprah's Life Class was on, and I normally don't watch, but something she said at the beginning caught my attention.  On this particular episode, Joel Osteen was the "expert."  I don't really like him.  There's something about his smile that creeps me out in ways only televangelists can.  Regardless, the overall message was "what you say after 'I am' becomes your reality."  Often, we say "I am slow, fat, tired, hungry, angry."  "I am the brunt of the world's badness."  "I am useless."  "I am nothing."  What we speak comes back to us, and that is the message we hear most loudly.  It seemed so simple. 

Last night before I went to bed, I wrote five "I am" statements that I want to be true.  These are not things that are always true right now, but I want them to be.  I want to BELIEVE them. 

I posted them on my mirror this morning. 

I realized that I needed to add, "I am THANKFUL" first of all.  It is the most powerfully true statement, and I need to be that first.

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