"I think earth, if chosen instead of Heaven, will turn out to have been, all along, only a region in Hell: and earth, if put second to Heaven, to have been from the beginning a part of Heaven itself." -CS Lewis, The Great Divorce


Thing #85: Good Literature

I've seen all these posts on Facebook about "Thankful Thing #1" and apparently this is some November thing.  I'm guessing it's someone's idea, probably someone famous, and likely someone faithful or religious or something.  Whatever.  I don't know how it started, but I know why.

I am VASTLY under-thankful for the wonderful things that make up my life. Yesterday, I left work early in an effort to avoid a nervous breakdown over stuff I can control.  Instead, I find that this stuff often controls me, or I let it control me, or, well, something like that.  And so I saw all these posts about people being thankful, and I thought, "well, great, isn't this nice?  Now I feel guilty for feeling crappy and that nothing will ever get done ever, and there's still nothing to be grateful about.  Bah humbug."  So whatever, I was wrong.  And negative.  What's new?

Blah blah blah. Whiny Katie.  Blah. Blah.

It turns out that today was a good day.  Today was a day that reminded me why I teach, which is particularly shocking because as I was getting ready to go to work this morning, I thought, "I don't know why I even do this job.  I am not having fun.  I'm tired of it."  The students were witty, insightful, funny, clever, cute.  And I LOVED talking about The House on Mango Street, a book I'm teaching for the first time.  I'm a nerd, but it's because I'm a nerd that I know it's all going to be ok.  Because I got to geek out about the tone of a really great piece of literature.

Whatever.  No big deal.

No big deal at all.

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