"I think earth, if chosen instead of Heaven, will turn out to have been, all along, only a region in Hell: and earth, if put second to Heaven, to have been from the beginning a part of Heaven itself." -CS Lewis, The Great Divorce


Thing #58: Pushing myself

I make a lot of compromises with myself. "If I eat well today, I can have those fries tomorrow." "If I run four more minutes, I can walk the next two." "If I grade three papers, I can check Facebook." These kind of "compromises" also tend to compromise whatever goal it is I am actually trying to accomplish. I often start with a more distant aim and fall short as a result on my internal negotiations.

Today, I didn't make the compromise. I ran hard (for me). I finished the 5K in 30 minutes (one mile I ran in 9:17 - say what?!?), which I haven't done in months. I even walked for a minute (to get water and ensure I didn't get a sloshy stomach after said water). Still, it feel fantastic to have made myself work hard and sweat. I know that my body can take a little pressure. I even ran more after the 5K, finishing my four miles in just over 40 minutes. This seems pretty pathetic when I write it out, but for me, it's proof that I can make myself distant goals and stick to them.

I feel great. Yay.

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