I am super stoked about the 2011-2012 school year. One of these reasons leaves me feeling borderline guilty, but only sometimes. This year, I have been given the gift of having my own room. That's right, room 124 is mine and mine alone. I am the queen of my kingdom, and I do not have to consult others when rearranging desks, boxes, bulletin boards, or the teacher's desk. Even better is that I got to entirely decorate the room in things that bring me joy, which, consequently, brings me great joy.

One thing that I particularly love this year is my bulletin board. I love a good Mark Twain quote, but this one really resonates with me. My junior year, I cut this one out and had it taped to the front of my planner. It seemed to capture what I wanted my life to be, and it still seems to capture my feelings about the future (and encourage me to try things despite my fears of failing at new things). I hope my students appreciate it, but even more, I really hope that I can live by it this year as I seek to become an even better teacher, a nicer person, and a more deliberate experiencer of life.