Deep down, past the obsessive-compulsive neatness tendencies, beyond the procrastination bone, far removed from the frequent-nap-taking gene is creative ability. Often, it seems incredibly distant. In fact, often, it seems as though it and I have little in common. However, on occasion, it really steps it up a notch and shines through the aforementioned personality ticks.
Yesterday, it produced an awesome art project. And there it is, lovely picture posted. The theme was "I believe that happiness is something we create," (thanks, Sugarland), and I used transparencies to overlay extra happiness onto already beautiful places. So now, Geneva has my own personal sailboat, Connecticut has my picnic table ready, and the oceanfront has a chair and peaceful umbrella waiting for me.
I guess the coolest part is not the actual artwork, but the fact that it worked according to plan, as many of my recent endeavors have. While making it, I realized that I love taking pictures, and I should get a nice camera and really learn how to do it.
It's nice to know that under the OCD, procrastination, and laziness waits this creative center that is ready to take control of an otherwise uneventful snow day (don't even get me started on VBCPS and possible make-up days).
So, whose wedding shall I be ready to photograph? I'm seriously learning to photograph. I need an alternate career path should teaching fail.